The Dungeon Run Wiki

Mirasys Bloo chose to become a protector of the realm. She chose to become The Cyclone Warden.


Name Damage Type Damage Description (if known)
Gale Force Fists Bludgeoning 4d8+7 Melee Weapon Attack (Multi Attack) thunderous punches fueled by the wind behind her. +13 to hit.
Eye of the Tornado Force 8d8 on a failed save and is pushed 80 feet in a random direction or half as much on a successful save and is not pushed. The Warden conjures the power of a tornado causing a whirlwind to form around it. Any creature in the Wardens space must make a DC 18 strength saving throw

*The Wardens can Augment each others attacks which results in an Auto Crit if the Augmented attack hits*

-Episode 6:A War of the Wardens - The Cyclone Warden battles alongside the other Wardens at the end of the War of Ideas.
