The Dungeon Run Wiki

The Heroes of Bingle are tormented by a few loose ends before their journey takes them away from the Orc city of Thorn. James is haunted by the obelisk deep below the city while Fahima seeks to understand what Diph Theed is looking for. Meanwhile, Uggo prepares for the trial of his murderous brother Brakka and the entire city wonders what will happen next.

DM/GM Intro[]

It started as a simple Dungeon Run, as easy way to get some loot. These 5 adventurers descended into an abandoned dragons lair and grabbed the treasure left inside. But it was not gold or gemstones that lay at the bottom of that dungeon, but something much more valuable indeed. An artifact from a forgotten age. A magical relic known as the Secret Keepers Amulet, a link to you, the watchers of the time stream, and a portal into the memories of The Wardens. The ancient 100 foot tall beings that have protected Aïn ever since the great War of Ideas 300 years ago. But the Wardens were missing, a wizard by the name of Torvalt the timid told the team that his group, the Natural Order, were searching far and wide for the elemental titans. As the amulet bearers they could do what the Natural Order could not, unlock visions of the Wardens secret past and learn the truth of Aïn's forgotten history. If, they could find and free the Wardens first. So the team flew into the sky, on the backs of Pegasus to one of the legendary Lodestars of the Sky Children. The floating tower was overtaken by a mad scientist called  Fardinald Ertinfert, who had converted the peaceful sanctuary into a prison holding the mighty Storm Warden inside. Freeing the Storm Warden granted them their first vision of the past. Revealing that the Wardens had once been mortals, 5 great champions of the Aureate Age. These warriors sacrificed their identities, transforming into the 100 foot tall titans to ensure nothing like the War of Ideas would happen again. Freeing the Storm Warden also brought the team into contact with Diphthe, a Sky Child who had barely survived the attack on the Lodestars. She and her kind had been cursed she said, forbidden to ever touch the ground again. Torvalt sent the heroes to another member of the Natural Order, The Scholar of Nightstone Abby inside the bustling city of Terlis. It turned out that The Scholar was none other then James's old mentor, Hermil Fesh. Who helped the team learn more about the champions of the Aureate Age, but the Chief Regent of Terlis, Persa Samuels kept the city under strict rule and had instituted a moratorium on magic after the killing of a city guard by arcane means. The longer the team stayed in Terlis the more they pushed against the restrictions of the moratorium. A brisk and haughty Nightstone wizard named Audric Lucern attempted to confiscate Fahima's pet phoenix, Meep, so Uggo threatened Lucern in public. The next day Lucern was found dead, in the exact manor Uggo had described. Causing the 5 Heroes of Bingle to be wanted for murder and the humble merchant, Jorl, to be thrown in jail for merely associating with them. So, they fled Terlis and managed to free two more Wardens learning even more about the origins of Aïns elemental protectors.

[9:00 AM]

Along the way they traveled back in time 22 years to help the notorious pirate captain Whitebeard to steal the treasure cache of the Dragonborn Empire and deposit it's most mysterious item in a bank vault, right back in that same city. Now, the team plans to return to Terlis, more experience and more powerful. They have uncovered the cabal that have captured the Wardens and the dangerous spell caster who leads it, The Ashen Mage. They have stood face to face with an Ancient Chrono Dragon, and have been told by the Ashen Mage's former accomplice to seek out its grave. And, they have journeyed back to Uggo's hometown and helped him defeat his brother in single combat to become the new War Chief of Thorn, but heavy lies the head that wears the crown as Uggo has discovered. Despite a coronation feast full of pomp and circumstance, ruling Thorn has quickly become complicated. The team destroyed the monster that swam in the murky waters below the city and had fueled the rage that had infected the Orcs of Thorn for generations. But without the creatures dark influence the populace was stripped of their aggression and confidence just as their newly forged alliance with the Orcs of Ook Duun called for them to supply more troops in a surging war against the Dwarves. Uggo's aged advisor Bogash asked him to decide between throwing more fighters into a war he did not support or raising the ire of Ook Duun by betraying the fragile alliance. Meanwhile, James faced his own difficult decisions having manifested a disturbing new appearance after defying his warlock patron, Shothragot. Even as a scourge of demons had suddenly appeared in the realms of Aïn, James seemed to be transforming into a more demon like form himself. As we ended last week, the team bedded down in Uggo's fathers old residence for another night, despite the fact that Fahima blew a giant hole in the front wall through some creative magical experimentation. Torvalt the timid and Uggo's Human Momma, Leslianna a Researcher of Aïn remain with them. With many options in front of them as to how to proceed, the Heroes of Bingle have decided to clean up some things in Thorn, then journey once again through a portal to Terlis.
