The Dungeon Run Wiki

First mentioned in Episode 19:In Hot Water. They are Assassins of The Shaxen Gao empire. Lily Dumblestuck recognized one of their attack frigates laying on the bottom of the Deep Reef.

They are not seen firsthand by the group until Episode 55:Traces of Forever, on the Sea. These the Elite dragonborn of the Shaxen Gao. They are formidable shadow monks. They wear hoods over their eyes, they dress in bright colors and are heavily armed. They have a strange quality to them, you can see movement when they move, but when they come to rest they kind of blend into the shadows. Several wield spectacular silver spears with markings on them. These assassins strip themselves of identity. The scales of their skin are slick and smooth, though each scale is sharp. These creatures have a strange solid growth in the base of their neck, upon further inspection/dissection the growth seems to be pill shaped and in the base of their gullet. The growth radiates magic. It is not an artificial object, it is a gland that is a part of the physiology of these specific dragonborn. The smell causes a sensation similar to the Chrono dragon's breath.
